Dr. Festus Boamah

Post-Doc/Habilitation at the Chair of Social and Population Geography
Faculty of Biology, Chemistry & Earth Sciences
- Renewable Energy and Socio-Technical Relationality
- Biofuels land Deals & Land Politics
- Climate Change, Food Security
- Rural Livelihoods & ‘Green’ Governmentality
University of Bayreuth
Universitätsstraße 30, GEO II, Room: 159
D-95447 Bayreuth
E-mail: Festus.Boamah@uni-bayreuth.de
Phone: + 49 921 55-2281
Professional Background
Since 2016 | Post-Doc/Habilitation. Chair of Social and Population Geography, University of Bayreuth |
2015 | PhD in Development Geography: Department of Geography, University of Bergen. PhD dissertation entitled ''Biofuels and land politics: connecting the disconnects in the debate about livelihood impacts of jatropha biofuel land deals in Ghana'' |
2015 | Higher Executive Officer, Dept. of Geography, University of Bergen |
2015 | Co-organizer of the International Conference entitled "Beyond Oil: Geographies of climate and energy transformation" at the University of Bergen |
2015 | Co-organizer of a PhD Course and Workshop entitled "Power in Political Ecology" organized at the Department of Geography, University of Bergen |
2015 | Consultant for Christen Michelsen Institute (CMI), Norway: Undertaking Systematic Literature Review Assignment for "Anti-Corruption and Extreme Resource Governance" project |
2015 | Higher Executive Officer: Department of Geography, University of Bergen, Norway |
2015 | Guest Lecturer at the Bergen University College; Lecture topic: Synergies and contradictions in "Green" Initiatives: From Green Revolution to Green/Climate Governmentality |
2015 | Guest Lecturer at the Bergen University College; Lecture topic: Biofuels and other agricultural Investments in Africa: Challenges and Prospects |
2011 | Visiting PhD Student: Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex under the sponsorship of Professor Ian Scoones |
2009 – 2013 | PhD Scholarship Holder at the Nordic African Institute, Uppsala, hosted by Professor Kjell Havnevik under the Rural and Agrarian Change, Property and Resources Research Cluster |
2010 – 2011 | Research Associate: The Energy Center, College of Engineering, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana |
2010 | Masters in Development Geography: Department of Geography, University of Bergen, Norway; Thesis topic: ''Competition between biofuel and food? The case of a jatropha biodiesel project and its effects on food security in the affected communities in Northern Ghana'' |
2007 – 2008 | Research Assistant: Centre for Migration Studies, University of Ghana; |
2003 – 2007 | Bachelor of Arts (First Class Honors Division): Geography and Resource Development, Department of Geography, University of Ghana |