Prof. Dr. Maciel Morais Santos

Professor of Trends of Global Africa
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
- Labour History
- African Modern History
- Economic History
- History of International Relations
University of Porto
Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FLUP)
Via Panorâmica, s/n
4150-564 Porto
Phone: + 351 226077141
Professional Background
Since 2010 | Coordinator of the I&D Unit African Studies Center (Centro de Estudos Africanos da U. Porto – CEAUP) |
2009 – 2015 | Director of the Ph. D Program of African Studies - Porto University |
2009 – 2015 | Director of the Master in African Studies - Porto University |
2008 – 2012 | Coordenador do WP2 (FLUP) of the EURESCL project (Slave trade, Slavery, Abolitions and their Lagacies in European Histories and Identities – partners: Universities of Paris, Dakar, Porto and Hull) |
Since 2005 | Diretor of the International Journal of African Studies, Africana Studia |
Since 2001 | Assistant Professor at the Department of History, Political and International Studes, FLUP |
2001 | Ph.D. in Modern History – Labour History |