Dr. Sylvain Racaud

Senior Lecturer in Geography
Researcher at "Les Afriques dans le monde" (LAM)
- Urban-rural linkages
- Agriculture
- Street trading, market place, trade routes of low-priced imported items
- Mobility
- Resource systems
LAM - IEP de Bordeaux
11 allée Ausone, Domaine universitaire
33607 Pessac Cedex
Professional Background
Since 2017 | Senior Lecturer, University Bordeaux Montaigne. Lectures (main): Political Geography, Development Studies, Agriculture in Africa, Geopolitics in Africa |
2015 – 2016 | Deputy Director and Researcher of the French Institute of Research in East Africa (IFRA-Nairobi) |
2014 | Post-doc study: ‘Socio-spatial mobility and livelihood diversification in African mountains (Cameroon, Tanzania)’, supported by the Labex SMS, University of Toulouse, France |
2012 – 2014 | Assistant lecturer in Geography, University of Toulouse 2, France. Lectures: methodology in SSH, cartography, statistics, geopolitics, geography of population |
2013 | PhD in Geography, University of Toulouse 2, France. Thesis title: ‘The Uporoto mountains between urban and rural, geography of flows and territorial integration in Tanzania’ |
2010 | Project assistant, ‘Economic and University cooperation in the Great Lake Region’, French Ministery of Foreign Affairs |
2008 – 2010 | Coordination assistant of the FP7 EC ‘CREATING’ programme (Cooperative Research on East African Territorial Integration within Globalisation), University of Toulouse 2, France |
2006 | Advanced studies diploma (‘DEA’), ‘Urban agriculture in Cameroon”, University of Toulouse 2, France |
2004 | Master’s degree in Geography, University of Toulouse 2, France |