Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines (FLSH), Université Ibn Zohr

Who We Are
As its name indicates, the Faculty of Letters and Humanities is a public institution of higher education affiliated to the Ibn Zohr University of Agadir. It is designated to the students who wish to continue their university studies in the field of languages, literature or humanities.
The strategic location allowed the faculty to welcome thousands of students every year. They are attracted by the diversity of courses offered for both fundamental and professional licence’s degrees as well as master’s and doctoral degrees. Today, the number of students enrolled is over 25,000. The language of instruction depends essentially on the course chosen by the student and related to it.
The Faculty is strongly linked to national and international partners in several areas of research, especially those related to Languages, Sociology, Geography, Human Rights, Migration, History and Civilizational and Cultural Heritage.

What We Do
The faculty offers three types of degrees: Licence’s , Master’s and Doctoral degrees.
The basic Licence’s degree:
It is open-access course spread over three years of study.
Student have the choice between two categories of licence’s degrees:
- Licence’s degrees in Language and Literature : Amazigh Studies (Language of instruction: French and Amazigh), French Studies (Language of instruction: French), English Studies (Language of instruction: English), Hispanic Studies (Language of instruction: Spanish), Arabic Studies (Language of instruction: Arabic)
- Licence’s degrees in humanities: Islamic Studies (Language of instruction: Arabic), Sociology (Language of instruction: Arabic), Geography (Language of instruction: Arabic), History and Civilization (Language of instruction: Arabic).
Professional Licence’s degree:
It is a selective access training courses with the ability of thirty students yearly (Academic year 2020-2021). The faculty offers one professional licence named “Film and audio-visual Writing and Analysis (Language of instruction: French)
Please note that: A ministerial reform is envisaged from the academic year 2021/2020: the Bachelor will replace the licence.
Master’s degree:
Two-year course leading to a diploma at baccalaureate +5 level. The Faculty offers to students a variety of choices between Master's in Languages and Literature and in the Humanities.
The below is the list of accredited Master's:
- Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching -ELT- (Language of instruction: English)
- Comparative Studies in Literature (Language of instruction: English)
- Arts et communication (Language of instruction: French)
- Communications des organisations (Language of instruction: French)
- Langue et Culture Amazighes (Language of instruction: French and Amazigh)
- Cross Border Societal Dynamics: Morocco and The Countries of West Africa (Language of instruction: English, Arabic)
- Didactique Du FLE: Culture et Médiation (Language of instruction: French)
- Discours et Métiers de la Communication (Language of instruction : French)
- Géo-environnement, Aménagement du Territoire & Développement (Language of instruction: Arabic)
- Métiers et Pratiques des Médias (Language of instruction: French)
- Tourisme, Communication et Développement (Language of instruction: French)
- Travail Social et Développement (Language of instruction: French)
- Journalistic Writing and Media Diversity التحرير الصحفي والتنوع الاعلامي (Language of instruction: Arabic)
- Islamic Discourse and the Complementarity of Sciences الخطاب الشرعي وتكامل العلوم (Language of instruction: Arabic)
- Language and Literature in Southern Morocco اللغة والأدب بالجنوب المغربي (Language of instruction: Arabic)
- History of Southern Morocco: Power, Society and Religion تاريخ الجنوب المغربي: السلطة والمجتمع والدين (Language of instruction: Arabic)
- Societal Dynamic, Migration, Demography and Development دينامية المجتمعات، الهجرة والديمغرافيا والتنمية (Language of instruction: Arabic)
- Text Science and Discours Analysis علم النص وتحليل الخطاب (Language of instruction: Arabic)
Doctoral degree (or PhD):
It can be obtained in several research areas.
Here is the list of the PhD programme of the faculty:
- Aménagement du Territoire, Sociétés, migrations & Développement durable
- Espaces Anthropisés : Risques Environnementaux et Fragilité Socio-Economique
- Langues et Communication
- Regional History of Southern Morocco التاريخ الجهوي للجنوب المغربي
- Patrimoine et Développement
- Scientific Methodology in the Interpretation of Religious discourse and its New Practices المناهج العلمية في تفسير الخطاب الشرعي وتطبيقاتها المعاصرة
- Text and Discourse النص والخطاب

How We Can Contribute to the EIMAS
Regarding the EIMAS students, they can have access to all the study programmes mentioned above in condition that the courses chosen are related to their university studies and that they have a good command of language of instruction (level B2).
In addition, EIMAS students will be able to follow internship in tutoring or teaching at the faculty or other internships that our local partners (the commune, associations, etc.) can offer.
EIMAS students will have the opportunity to follow language courses (Classical Arabic, Moroccan Arabic, French, English, Spanish and Amazigh) without any cost. They can participate in scientific and cultural events organised at the faculty. They have also access to the library.

Doha Akerkedou
Service de la Recherche Scientifique et de la Coopération
Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines
Ibn Zohr
E-mail: d.akerkedou@uiz.ac.ma