Diana Takacsova

© Diana Takacsova
I was born and raised in Slovakia but feel home on the move. In 2016, I was awarded a master’s degree in Mass Media Studies from the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. Simultaneously, I took part in a number of projects across Europe, deepening my knowledge on topics such as media in polarised societies, geopolitics and liberation movements, oral history research, migration processes, and reporting on migration. I have been gaining experience in closely related fields ever since, working as a communications officer with non-governmental organisations focusing on development, humanitarian aid and democracy support – both based in Brussels, Belgium and in the MENA region.
I am also an award-winning photographer passionate about storytelling for social change (https://www.diatakacsova.com/). My work focuses on questions of identity, physical and emotional connection to place, migration, and the human relationship to nature and environment. I strive to bridge the factual and metaphorical by utilising various ways of storytelling and a participative approach - and to explore personal narratives in the topics I am drawn to. My largest ongoing project traces one of East Africa’s last hunter-gatherer populations’ journey to justice.
With EIMAS, I hope to transform my long-term interest in the continent into solid knowledge that bridges a variety of spheres – and strive to forge a positive a change by utilising this throughout my work in communications and advocacy - and in my art practice. I am also looking forward to the EIMAS experience as a whole; especially to the diversity of perspectives and expertise of fellow students and facilitators.
Contact: hello@diatakacsova.com