Khaula Nazir

My name is Khaula Nazir, and I am from Lahore, Pakistan. Growing up as a South Asian woman, I was kept a bit distant from the political landscape of the country because of the general perception that women could neither comprehend the complex functioning of the government nor the relationship between formal and informal institutes.
I, however, always found the subject fascinating, and I was lucky enough to have a penchant for reading and teachers who encouraged involvement in what was otherwise thought to be male-dominated field. I went on and did my Bachelors in Political Science.
My areas of interest include development politics and gender studies. My interest in Africa grew when I took Dr. Mustafa’s incredible course on the area. Specific to Africa, I am interested in observing and theorising about how the imperialist project has defined the trajectory of Africa over the history of the continent and how that compares with imperialists projects in other parts of the world. I would also like to explore state institutions and how they adapt and change due to international stimuli.
Since graduation, I have worked as an editor and a research assistant.
Apart from academic interests, I like to write short fiction. I’m also a fashion enthusiast.