Rachael Amanda

My name is Rachael Amanda. I come from Kabarole, a very comely district in Uganda with many fascinating mountains, valleys, and remoteness.
I am a passionate writer and traveler. Aside from these, I enjoy debating and studying. I am also an enthusiastic but bad dancer — However, absolutely nothing can tear me from what I love.
At the age of 2, I lost my parents to AIDS. My grandmother then had to raise 10 children, and I witnessed her struggle as she became the sole breadwinner. Contrary to popular belief, my experience was not marked by hunger or misery. Instead, it was filled with faith, and community. In between diseases and poverty, my neighbors showed us Obuntu bulamu (also known as Ubuntu in South Africa.) My grandmother was a great example of how to participate and contribute even when it seemed like we had nothing.
My fondest childhood memories are of my grandmother working hard to meet the needs of her people. She was able to do so by borrowing from her traditional knowledge about food, education and medicine. There is much in this image of my grandmother that I believe is key to a successful Uganda and Africa. An Africa that contributes, versus an Africa that receives. A global Africa, one that borrows from her traditional knowledge and strengths to offer fresh and innovative solutions to meet the needs of our modern world.
I desire to be a part of a group of change agents who use African history, culture, and identity to promote global change, and mutually beneficial cooperation, particularly in the context of governance and social justice. I know that EIMAS is essential to this endeavor, a program that seeks to intensify studies on the contributing role of modern Africa in a globalized world.
Professionally, I hold a bachelor’s degree in Governance and International relations from Uganda Christian University.
Following that, I worked with a number of civil society organizations (such as Inter-religious council of Uganda, Music for life, Ubuntu Africa and Fields of life).
I also represented Uganda in a Rockefeller Foundation-funded policy Think Tank aimed at rethinking global child-care systems.
In November 2020, I was awarded a six-month traineeship with the European Union Delegation in Uganda, where I worked with the Governance and Human Rights section as well as the Political, Press, and Information section.
These experiences have given me insight into governance, development and cooperation in Uganda (mainly with Europe), and piqued my interest in researching pre-colonial and contemporary African governance systems in order to identify, and critically assess controversial measures to propose practical alternatives.
At the moment, I write and host a podcast called Poetic Pause. It offers a platform for young Ugandan artists to debate social issues affecting the African youth today.
Contact: amandarac03@gmail.com