Roseline Chioma Amete

My name, ‘Chioma’, is common among the Igbos in the South-eastern part of Nigeria where I come from. It means ‘good God’ or ‘good luck’. I have always preferred to be called ‘Rose’ rather than ‘Roseline’ which is my other name. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Mass Communication from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Nigeria. Most of my formal professional experience has been in the education sector – first, as a teacher in a community secondary school and more recently, as a graduate assistant in the university. I also have some professional experience as a creative writer. Since my entry into the academia, my interest in academic research has grown, just as I have grown an affinity with ‘Development Communication’ as a potential area of specialization within my discipline. My research interests span across new media, health communication, activism/interventions, the youth, narratives and representations, and development.
I cannot boast of having always been cognizant of Africa - in that way that demystifies her essence beyond being a great continent: her struggles, relations, wealth, growth and so much more. However, certain recent experiences stirred a seemingly ever-growing curiosity in me to know more and a yearning to contribute actively as a community development practitioner in my country. I longed for an opportunity to embrace Africa from different perspectives. Having now being blessed with one, I welcome it wholeheartedly. The EIMAS programme perfectly aligns with my interests in academia and development practice. I therefore look forward to gaining knowledge of development in Africa across media, economical, geographical, political and social specificities, and to acquire the skills for application. This would serve me as I advance my career post-study and ultimately contribute to my sense of fulfilment as an African who is actively contributing to the development of Africa.