Tafadzwa Makara

My name is Tafadzwa Makara. I came from Buhera, Manicaland Province in Zimbabwe, but I have lived in the capital Harare for the better part of my life. My life experiences have shaped my thoughts and interest.
I am an aspiring interdisciplinary sustainability leader, passionate about people-driven solutions to development challenges in Africa, advocating for community participation in the solution-finding processes. Broadly speaking, my interests revolve around advocating for pro-poor policies for development, governance of socio-ecological resources, and integrating local communities in matters that affect them. Also, I am passionately interested in evidence-based policymaking and policy intervention to deal with humanitarian and governance issues in Africa.
I have worked and volunteered with various organizations which include the United Nations Association, Speak Out for Animals, Wildlife Conservation Action, the African Youth Initiative on Climate Change, Zimbabwe, and the ClimateEducate Africa Project. I underwent various training programmes on issues of nature conservation and governance, including the United Nations 59th Graduate Study Programme in Geneva, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Youth Leadership Programme, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law's Sustainable Development and Human Rights Research Programme, and the Young African Leaders Initiative, among others. This period of advocacy inspired me even better to be in a state to understand and influence policies, engage stakeholders in discussions leading to the design of better policies for sustainable development. I also learned how to lend my voice where I can and to be of good service to my community. These experiences had a lasting impact on my conviction to see a sustainable Africa for all.
My professional work experience has been mainly around advocacy and civic engagement in the most marginalized communities in issues around biodiversity conservation and politics. I have devoted the past six years to development practice, civic leadership, and natural resource governance. Observing the development challenges bedevilling the continent, I am interested in how Africa can harness its comparative advantage in natural and human resources for the 2063 Agenda for a prosperous Africa for all.
The European Interdisciplinary Master African Studies (EIMAS) offers me the possibility of receiving complete training in holistic research in African Studies, as well as the opportunity to learn in an interdisciplinary setting, with highly qualified academic personnel and a diverse student community. I am happy to gain new knowledge, skills, and experiences to use back home in Zimbabwe and make my community a better place to live in. I wish that my colleagues in the EIMAS community will learn something from my participation in the program. I see the EIMAS as both a teaching and learning platform with the main aim of cultivating knowledge about Africa.
Thematic Expertise: Natural Resource Politics and Governance, Extractive Industries, Institutions, Sustainability, Policy Discourse, Democratic Governance, Sustainable Livelihoods, Climate Change, Development Cooperation.
Geographic Expertise: Zimbabwe and the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC)
Contact: tafymaka@gmail.com
LinkedIn: Tafadzwa Makara