Thaís Honório Horn

My name is Thaís and I was born and raised in the south region of Brazil. As a International Relations bachelor student, I have developed a very genuine interest in studying the African continent. I wrote my undergrad thesis about the representation of the African immigrant in the French cinema under the constructivist theory of International Relations. In addition, I got the opportunity to research thoroughly about the colonial and post-colonial periods in Africa, about the immigration fluxes to Europe and about the migrant-society relation. This was the opportunity that made me realize I wanted to pursue an academic career researching about the African continent.
Shortly after my graduation, I momentaneously interrupted my academic and African-related activities to move to the Northeast region of Brazil as part of a social project to teach History and Geography to more than 350 students in public elementary schools with socially and economically vulnerable backgrounds. It was a life-changing opportunity to comprehend the importance education can have in one's life.
Since my return to my hometown, I have devoted myself to my own education and obtained my International Relations specialist degree in a post-graduation course in a very renowned university in Brazil. I have also been researching and writing a number of papers about the representation of Africa and of the Africans on Hollywoodian cinema, about terrorism and terrorist groups and about the nationalism movement in Somalia.
My main expectation with EIMAS is to deepen my knowledge and to discover a possibility to combine my interests in meaningful and relevant research. Also, and more importantly, I expect to broaden my academic horizons, coming upon new topics to research, and my personal horizons, meeting new people and living new experiences.