Juliana Felix Xavier
As a director of Research & Strategy at one of the leading innovation consultancies in Latin America (Box1824, located in Brazil), I have resumed my academic journey through EIMAS, embarking on an interdisciplinary master's programme in African Studies.
I am Brazilian and approach my studies from an empirical-academic and multidisciplinary perspective to gain a deeper understanding of systemic issues that increasingly separate the Global North from the Global South; Brazil from the rest of Latin America; and - Why not? - Africa from the Global North. As a Brazilian, I was introduced to post-colonial theories in the early 2000s, and from my engagement with post-colonial studies, Afro-Brazilian studies, studies of Indigenous Latin American peoples, queer theory, and Marxist economic theories, I continue to expand my repertoire.
My expertise naturally aligns with the aforementioned areas of interest, in a continual effort to integrate African studies with Afro-diasporic studies for a more pluralistic understanding of the socio-political perspectives of the world.